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Law of Assumption Beginners Guide

CONSCIOUS Manifestation is actually very SIMPLE! So here's a stripped back, modern interpretation...

Be positive all the time. Believe to receive. Make a visionboard. Say this "magic/perfect" affirmation. Just be in the vibration/frequency/state/feeling. Put the 'ACTION' into attrACTION. Touch your nose with your tongue while jumping on one foot and rubbing your tummy while tapping your head all at once. THEN you can manifest what you want!

I jest.

Kind of.

I know very well how confusing, overcomplicated and convoluted CONSCIOUS Manifestation can be made out to be. Particularly if you've looked up manifestation just to come across a bunch of articles, video, podcasts and blogs on Law of Attraction. Now, I'm not shitting on Law of Attraction concept, because I actually understand what that concept is saying NOW that I understand manifestation from the Law of ASSUMPTION concept...

However, when I was intentionally trying to understand manifestation and reading, listening to and watching content about Law of Attraction (which is mostly what comes up when you look up manifestation), the explanations and advise just weren't practical enough for my analytical mind. You might have found yourself in a similar situation...

Whether that's done intentionally so you'll buy someone's products and services, or purely just because the people talking about or teaching it believe/know it's a thing, but they don't really know how it works themselves, from a practical standpoint... It can be frustrating looking into conscious manifestation, only to end up with more questions than answers, ultimately leading to you putting it in the "too hard" basket.

The thing is, you're never actually putting manifestation in the "too hard" basket, because... you're actually manifesting 24/7. Yup! You might have noticed that I referred to manifestation as 'CONSCIOUS Manifestation', putting a real emphasis on the 'conscious' part. Because you're not just manifesting when you WANT something, you are always doing it, and CONSCIOUS manifestation is just doing it on purpose.

I know... it's a lot to take in if you've been listening to people who talk about manifestation like you can turn it on and off like a light switch. But think about it, if you look back, there will be at least one scenario in your life that comes to mind, when you worried about something happening, and it did. You might have even said "I KNEW that would happen!", in frustration, probably creating the expectation that similar situations would play out the same way should they arise.

Well, you didn't predict it, you manifested it. And I bet you didn't do THAT on purpose.

This is a positive thing! Why..? Because everyone has this "power" innately within them. No exceptions. Yes, you are special, but you're not so special that you're the ONLY exception to the universal law that is manifestation. Yes, YOU can manifest! You already are. And while I used an example that might not have been the most positive, you have also manifested all the positive things in your life. Now, it's just about doing this on purpose so you can manifest more of your WANTS, and less of your WORRIES.

But how.!?

Well, I'll go into more depth on this one in the blog 'The Science of Manifestation' here, because I don't want to overwhelm you with anything more than you NEED to know right now, as a beginner looking into manifestation OR the Law of Assumption. But here are the absolute basics...

  • It's your thoughts (not your feelings/vibration/frequency) that manifest

  • You're manifesting 24/7, CONSCIOUS manifestation is just doing it on purpose instead of doing it from your subconscious programming from the past

  • Every thought is an affirmation

Your thoughts and your subconscious beliefs are programmed by anything you see, hear, think and say enough times, that your mind takes those things as facts, and they are what manifest into your physical world. Feelings/vibrations/frequencies are all just manifestations in themselves of your most consistent thinking and subconscious programming. Your subconscious beliefs are formed by a multitude of things...

  • You're upbringing

  • Your previous experiences

  • Experiences you observed others going through

  • The content you watch and listen to

  • Your environment and the people in it

  • Generational trauma passed down genetically

Most of this subconscious programming happened before you were 7 years old. When you were sponge for the information and stimili around you, but it also continues to happen throughout your life. And this is what runs on autopilot in the background of our CONSCIOUS thoughts, prompting you to do and say things that create the scenarios you experience in your life.

Your world shifts to make your thoughts true, and your mind seeks out evidence of what you're thinking, because your mind's job is to give/show you whatever you think most consistently. Your mind doesn't judge. It doesn't know what YOU considers to be "good" or "bad". It's only job is to give you what you think most consistently, because as far as your mind knows, you want what you think/believe.

You might have heard quotes that suggest this, such as...

  • "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right" - Henry Ford

  • "Know thyself" - Socrates (see bracelets inspired my my tat of this quote here)

  • "If you can dream it, you can do it" - Walt Disney

  • "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein

Now, this is not to victim blame, for anyone reading this that might have experienced some heavy circumstances in life. It's not at all. What happened up till coming across this information, or having this realisation, was not necessarily your fault, BUT... if you want to experience life in a different way to the cycles you might have seen repeating, then it IS your responsibility. Nobody is living from YOUR experience but you, and so only you have the power to change the way you perceive it.

Before you freak out about having opposing/negative thoughts or subconscious programming, remember I said what you most CONSISTENTLY think. And if you manifested those circumstances with your thoughts, you can CHANGE them with your thoughts. That's why it's often said within the Law of Assumption community and teachings, 'Circumstances don't matter'. It's not to invalidate how you feel about the things that have happened before, it's to EMPOWER you to know circumstances are always changeable.

You can CONSCIOUSLY choose new thoughts, and with enough repetition and diligence, those new thoughts will override your subconscious programming. Along with that, what you watch and listen to, anything you give your attention to, is constantly tweaking and writing, or REwriting that subconscious programming. So that is also important, at least in the very beginning of your CONSCIOUS Manifestation journey.

Because your subconscious thoughts run your words and actions from "behind the scenes", if you're not exercising awareness of them and changing them in the moment if they are not inline with what you want (thinking inline with ALREADY having the things you want, to be more specific), your mind will prompt you to do the things you've always done, so you'll keep repeating old cycles.

If you CONSCIOUSLY think inline with already having the things you want, and flip opposing thoughts in the moment as much as possible, your mind will start to prompt you to do things that lead to your manifestation coming to fruition in the physical world, and this will happen without you realising it in the moment.

This is referred to as 'Inspired Action', which usually only becomes clear as being part of the manifestation once you actually have the manifestation in full, and look back to see the sequence of events that led to it showing up in your physical world. This happens because, with repetition of the NEW thoughts, you are creating new subconscious beliefs that are projecting out.

So, in terms of putting the 'ACTION' in 'attrACTION', that part is true, HOWEVER, as mentioned above, you usually won't know you're taking the action in the moment. Taking action with the intention of trying to force the physical world will usually backfire, because it's coming from a place of fear that the manifestation won't happen.

Think of yourself as a living projector. If thinking inline with already having the thing you want, is what projects it out into your world, feeling like you HAVE to do something in order to get it, is projecting out that you don't already have it, because otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to do something to make it happen. MAKING something happen means it isn't already happening, and therefore, trying to force the physical world will either not GET you what you want, or will result in your not being able to hold on to it... unless you're willing to exhaustively force the physical world endlessly in order to keep that which you have attained in that manner.

Do you have to believe to manifest? No. You just have to not DISbelieve that you can have the things you want. Consciously telling yourself you already have the things you want, regardless of the fact that it will likely initially feel stupid or uncomfortable, to BUILD belief, is because you need to override existing subconscious beliefs that already exist, that have been getting in the way of you getting and/or KEEPING the thing you wanted in the past.

So, to sum up as simply as possible.

Your thoughts manifest and you're manifesting 24/7. Therefore every thought is essentially an affirmation. If you focus on the thoughts, the rest (belief, feeling, vibration, frequency, state, action etc. etc.) happens naturally.

Oh, and don't forget to get your copy of my 23 page 'S.I.M.P.L.E As Fuck CONSCIOUS Manifestation Guide' eBook here.

Thanks for being here. You're a fucking legend, don't you ever forget it! And until next time, have a good one 😊✨



CONSCIOUS Manifestation Coach

P.S. If you'd like some 1-to-1 guidance on your individual circumstance, you can get coaching with me via Video Call or Email Coaching here. I got you 😊✨

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